Friday, November 30, 2012

the cool factor of chemistry (yes you read that right)

Now, as you know, there are three science options in highschool: Biology, Physics and Chemistry. I think you've all heard my opinions on the first two, so I thought I'd write a post about chemistry!

Reasons Chemistry Is My Favourite Science
(Note the capital letters- this is some serious stuff. Note also that I have yet to complete my lab report... so I may not be so excited soon...)
  • No dead things. After my trauma in biology last year... I think we can all agree that NOT needing to do dissections is a simple and often overlooked joy. 
  • Naming components. Learning how to name the different parts of molecules is like learning another language! A nerdy one perhaps, but a language nonetheless.
  • Possible explosions. Okay, so it is highly unlikely that we'd actually be allowed to make a bomb (I'm pretty sure there are laws against that) but the potential is always there. Plus, we do use Bunsen burners... so you could always burn some hair off! (What a joy.) 
  • Food colouring. Seriously. Adding food colouring to something makes everything cooler. It is a Well-Known Fact. 
Today, we made solutions with sucrose (aka: sugar + water) and left it to spin (with an automatic spinner! Again, how cool can you get?) during math class. The division between the Cool Chem kids and the Lame Non-ones was immediately clear; us CC's were super excited/distracted/kept leaping up to add more sugar and see if it would still dissolve (good thing our chem teacher is also our math teacher and could see the excitement, or she might have been a bit frustrated).... and the LNs didn't even look at it. (Come on, guys. It was a break from learning about trigonometry equations. Take what you can get.) 

And, just because I know you're all soooo thrilled, here are some photos for you! (Just so that you know I'm not just making this up.)

Just look at those faces!

WHIRLPOOL! Watch out, there might be sugar sharks? (Is that a thing? It totally should be.)

Again, major fascination. (Plus our teacher looking on all proud of our nerdiness.)

WHOA, just overwhelmed with excitement! I know, this made your day/weekend... I hope you have a great one!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

let it snow

Today -drumroll please- IT SNOWED.

like oh my gosh, guys, it snowed.

How to tell if you are a Canadian: this thought is actually exciting and not a source of terror. (Minus 30? PLEASE.)

Okay, actually, this might be more a sign of "How to tell if you are Zia" because honestly, no one else in my highschool seemed all that thrilled. It started during lunchtime, and I asked several people if they wanted to go for a walk with me, even offering the promise of a stop at the pizza or poutine place; the lure of fresh air might be negligable, but junk food rarely is... but even that was not enough of an inducement. (Thanks guys. I love you all too.)

So, instead of being constrained by their lameness, I headed outside to, as one boy put it, "frolic" in the snow. A random photo shoto ensued. (Apologies for the no-makeup face... I hadn't realised there would be so much excitement!)

From almost no snow...

To the beginnings of a BLIZZARD!

(Okay, not really, but still.) Look at this. Seriously, it's beautiful.

I had to fulful my frolic duties, after all!

Good thing I went out, too... because how much is there now?



Hopefully I'll dream of snow tonight and it will be there when I wake up.

What are your thoughts on snow?

Monday, November 26, 2012

vlog no. 2, in which I muse about tea and... stuff

Come on. That title definitely makes you want to watch it. I dare you.

Some musings about this one:

1) what was up with my hair near the end? It was like this weird, cloudy lump behind my head... I think this happens often and I just don't notice...
2) I managed to cut it a bit! I know the transitions are jerky, but I thought at least this way you weren't subjected to too much awfulness. (Random= good. Blabber= bad.)
3) it's kinda dark... I swear, my room is not some den of iniquity wherein there are no lights. Promised.

Anyways, I hope this helped brighten your Monday! Are you tempted to go drink tea now?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

facts about me (fascinating title? I think so)

Well, the lovely Kori over at The Musings of an Awkward Panda recently nominated me for an award... and yes. I am actually doing it. WHOOT! So, here go the FACTS. (100% true. Promise.)

1) I went through a soup-hating phase for about two years. (Like, no soup. At all. Ever.) This just ended about two weeks ago. (As you can imagine, my friends and family were greatly relieved.)

2) When I was in preschool (so, like two) the teacher told my parents that I was developmentally handicapped because I couldn't use scissors. (However, I still can't, so maybe she was right...)

3) Salad, chocolate and grilled cheese sandwiches are my comfort foods.

4) I LOVE SNOW. Like, so much. I nearly cried yesterday because it started snowing while I was at work and I couldn't get outside to see it... and then it was gone by the time I finished. Saddest moment of my life.

5) On a slightly related note, I cry all the time. You may have noticed I'm an extremely dramatic person... my highs are Everest-high and my lows are Marianas Trench. (Except not the band- them I adore.) So basically I'll be sad/angry/stressed about something, will have a huge sob-fest, and then will feel fine. (Until the next sobfest...)

6) I love stamps. There's just such a variety, and they're all so pretty! (This cropped up in a convo with Jesse... the things we talk about...) Stamp designer... Another job possibility? I think so -wink-

7) It drives me absolutely insane when people play with their hair. Like, I can't even look at them without wanting to scream. (I understand if you're fixing it or hand-combing, but not just random fingering. Ew. Stop.)

8) I'm pretty depressed right now because I think I have to start taking iron supplements again... seriously, they taste like eating a melted spoon. (I would guess.) GROSS.

Now, onto the questions! (Yes, I know there were supposed to be 11 facts. Shhh...)

-Guilty pleasure?
Chocolate? Junk food in general? haha, I'm so predictable. 

-3 bad habits?

1) picking at my nails
2) talking too much
3) eating when I'm not hungry

-Favourite TV show(s)?

Well, I think you've all heard about these multiple times (and will again, muahaha) but Vampire Diaries, Doctor Who, New Girl, The Mindy Project and Sherlock. 

-Favourite fast food joint?
Starbucks? Does that count? I'm not really a fast food girl... vegetarian, not so much. 

-Place you would most like to work?

HarperCollins publishing house, omg. I have no idea why, but it's been a dream of mine for several years.

-Apple or Blackberry and why?

Hmmm... both? I love my Blackberry phone, but I also love my iPod nano (the old, cool kind, without a touch screen.) 

-Whip out your iPod and stick it on shuffle. The first 5 songs that come up are what?

1) Your Star- Evanescence (what can I say, I went through an emo phase)
2) All The Rowboats- Regina Spektor (an album I downloaded and never really got into... I do that often)
3) Utopia- Within Temptation (VAMPIRE DIARIES SONG LOVE)
4) Return The Favour- All Time Low (I don't even remember this song)
5) Pretty Baby- Vanessa Carlton (I actually hate this song. Why is it on my iPod? DELETE)

-Do you swear? If so, how badly on a scale of 1 to 10?

Like, 1? I try not to... sometimes I swear in my head, and I've noticed myself doing that more often (blame being surrounded by teenage boys) but I do really try not to. 

-Favourite endearing animal?

Penguins, platypus, kittens, owls. (They're just TOO CUTE. Don't ask me to just pick one, come on!) 

-Favourite sport to watch?

None... -hides under the sofa from sports fans the world over-

-Views on pop culture music?

I like a lot of it -hides once again- but I don't like listening to the radio... like seriously, some nice shallow music is fine one or two times a week, not constantly. 

Some artists really annoy me though... like Lady Gaga, seriously, ughhh. 

...and there you are. This is me. Now, onto YOU! I'm not going to tag anyone specific, but if you'd like to, I'd love to hear some random facts about you. (And seriously, I think my questions are pretty cool, so ANSWER THEM.) Here are my questions:

-Ninjas or pirates and why?
-Who's your dream concert?
-What moment do you want to relive?
-What's your opinion on emoticons and text words? 
-What's your favourite word?
-What made you choose your current job?
-Pet peeve?
-Would you like to know what it would be like to be someone of the oposite sex for one week?
-What's your belief system?
-What's your first memory?
-Favourite thing to cook?
-First thing you notice about people you're attracted to?

You know you want to answer, dearest listeners. I dare you. 

sad but true

My conversation with my mother this morning as I make myself a salad:

Mum (watching me): Don't you only work at 12? You're so early!

Me: Well, you know, I like to be prepared...

Mum: The Internet's still down, isn't it?

Me: did you guess?

(In my defense, I WAS waiting to fulfill my daily dose of Blogilates... but still. I admit that this is a little bit pathetic. Does this ever happen to you?)

Friday, November 23, 2012

finally it is over

(Beware. I have been vibrating with fatigue all day. I passed out in the metro and some random old man poked me in the shoulder because he thought I'd miss my stop... needless to say I pretended not to understand English, because that's just what you do in that kind of situation, right? But anyway. If this post is incoherent, now you know why.)

Today was... drumroll please... the last in my series of university visits! Yes, I am finally done with tours and with... okay I can't think of anything else, but whatever, it's ALL done. I am now up to NINE campus visits- I think that might be some kind of record- can I have a medal? (Or even just a free meal. I keep being so hungry... that's definitely not something I will miss...) However, out of all of these visits, I've narrowed it down to three universities I'm actually interested in! (Okay, more like I LOVED these three and didn't like-in some cases even hated- the others.)

Today's visits were... a little bit strange, to say the least. Just being on the metro was actually an interesting situation. During one of our trips, right beside me, there was a group of people discussing the store I work at. (Like, in detail.) No one talks about where I work! No one even visits us there! (The sadness of my life.) Although we were the ones being the rulebreakers... as in, HOLDING THE DOOR OPEN. Gasp, right? How dare we? Apparently we could even have been fined for this.

What can I say, we're just such rebels. And then... we entered the university, and what's the first thing I see?

'Amiante' is French for 'asbestos', for those of you not in the know. Do I really want to go somewhere that has this label on the one of the doors? Not so much.

At least I managed to stop for coffee along the way. (Mochas make everything better.)

(This photo is dedicated to one of my friends, who took this picture for me despite assuring me several times that I was being 'lame' and that 'no one takes random pictures of themselves with coffee, even if it is for a blog!'... you can tell she isn't a blogger. Also I just realised that everywhere I go, I either have photos of myself with coffee or wearing crazy glasses... what can I say, it's my theme.)

Okay. So it is now after seven pm and I judge it time to go to bed. (There was no Vampire Diaries this week... I was so sad...) Goodnight world, and have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

absolute anticipation

Right now, I am being my usual cool self... and working on UNIVERSITY SPREADSHEETS! (Is it sad that I'm actually excited by this... nahhh?) I'm sure that, when I'm older, I will be impressed by my own work habits... or maybe I'll just think, wow, I used to be kind of a weirdo. (Which is a word I need to banish from my vocabulary. It sounds so unsophisticated. Any suggestions?) I worry about what my future children will think... LOLZ JOKES, I'm never having kids, so no worries!

Anywayyyys, all of this planning-my-future deal is no use if I don't have a concrete idea of where I might head after, right? So, I decided to compile a list of jobs I could do in the future!

  • Paleontologist. If you think I'm obsessed with dinosaurs now, trust me when I say it's NOTHING compared to when I was little. When I was two or three, I knew the name of every single dinosaur out there. (No lie.) I carried little dinosaurs around with me and corrected store owners when they said the names wrong (1- I have no memory of this and 2- I seem to have been a bit of a know-it-all). All that to say that I think I could do a pretty great job... especially if I got to wear my dinosaur hat all the time!

I mean really. How is that NOT cool?

  • Writer. This would be, hands down, dream job of my life. Writing... all the time... Not talking to people... hanging out in coffee shops... (Okay, so obviously this is unrealistic, but let me have my dreams!) Seriously though, if I could make money off stories/blogging/poetry, my life would be complete. 
  • Ninja/spy. If watching James Bond and Spiderman allows you to qualify for this, then I am definitely ready! (Waiting for those job offers now, CSIS.) Honestly, as much as I love 007 (FINALLY got to watch Skyfall! I've only been waiting since SUMMER after all... seems like forever...) I think I would do a far better job than he would. I mean, blowing up embassies? Crazy car chases? Please. I would be far less conspicious. (Now remains only to select a cool alibi...) 

I mean, come on. How is that not a spy face? Wearing those around... I'd be sure to get the job done. 

  • Tea developer. How fun would this be? The idea of thinking up crazy new flavour combinations and/or names intrigues me. (However whenever I tell friends this, they're like... really? That's possibly the lamest profession ever.... For which I say only, SOCK DESIGNER.) When I live in a larger city, I actually plan on BEGGING for a position in a store like David's Tea. (Seriously, watch me. If I can't get one through an interview, I plan on simply hanging around until they get so sick of me that they decide to hire me... Hmmm, writing this down, my logic seems flawed.) 

Speaking of, my latest want is Earl Grey Cream from Teavana. Doesn't it look luscious? 
  • Editor. If I don't end up writing professionally (note the adverb, I'll ALWAYS be writing, even if no one ever sees it) I'd love to be able to look over other peoples'. I'm the type of person who actually enjoys replacing commas and offering suggestions on character development... or maybe this just means I'm a little Miss Bossypants. (Also very possible.)
What about you? What kinds of jobs did you dream of when you were in highschool?

Jenny Matlock

Monday, November 19, 2012

green with envy

Walking outside with a winter coat on and thinking "oh, the air is positively balmy!" does not equate to thinking the same in tiny shorts and a thin long-sleeved shirt, even while running, especially when one's iPod dies less than half-way through.

...On the plus side, that was probably the quickest run of my life.

What inspired this sudden frenzy of activity, you may ask? Well, for once it WASN'T the consuming of copious quantities of chocolate! (yay me!) No, in this case it was... the purchase of new clothes. (Let's face it, buying new workout gear just makes exercise so much more fun! Except that it stopped me from making a vlog today... I may have abandoned 'fashion' at school but certainly not over the interwebz.)

Yesterday, Kori and I -drumroll please- went shopping! (I cannot tell you how much more fun it was to be on the other side of the counter for once.) Here's my haul. (And oh yes, it definitely is a haul.)

First off I apologise for the colours... this is actually the cutest little bright lime green jacket from Sirens! (But NOT warm enough for November running...)

Also from Sirens, some nice comfy yoga pants for work... Can't wait to get out of my dress pants!

Heart earrings from F21 and jumbo eyeliner from Sephora (MY OBSESSION)... so maybe I wore makeup to school today? 

A new outfit from Lululemon! I love how durable and comfortable everything they have is. 

I'm a yeti! (Kori refused to let me buy this, the meanie. It was the softest thing ever.)

Mint jeans from The Bay! (They look extremely washed out, but they're actually quite perky and sweet, like a little candy!) You may have noticed the theme by now: almost everything I bought had some shade of green (bizarre, seeing as I own nearly no green...)

A fascinator that is gorgeous until you see the price tag... seriously, who wants to pay over a hundred dollars for a little hat?

Expect some model-quality (hahahahaha) pictures with me wearing these soon! Not pictured: my beautiful boots (because after all that running, the thought of going to get them from downstairs was just TOO MUCH) my facial wash (because I didn't think anyone would be all that excited) or my Christmas presents (in case one of the people I bought something for actually reads this)... yes, I did buy more things. (Never have I been more grateful for my job.)

Have you done any lovely shopping lately?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

things i think about on saturday mornings

  • OMG it's six o'clock why am I not up
  • I have to go get ready for school omg I haven't started math homework yet! -sitting up-...wait a second
  • IT'S SATURDAY! if I wasn't so tired I'd be doing a little dance in my bed right now
  • except I have to work...FOUR HOUR SHIFT! for the first time in like ever
  • ok I'll just lie here and pretend I'm a vegetable, I think I'd make a cute chili pepper... I should get a little green cap... And dye my hair red!
  • except my skin is already red enough, so it's okay
  • I should make a blog post about this
  • why do I make lists of blog posts and then never do them? they're so cool... then I write a post like this that doesn't even make sense
  • but then that is an accurate state of mind... this is me 
  • I should maybe be worried about that... OMG WHAT WAS THAT NOISE
  • oh it's just my stomach
  • because of course I'm starving 30 seconds after I wake up... not an earthquake, it's all good, I don't have to go rescue the kitties
  • good thing because they'd probably just run away 
  • yeah, I should probably go eat... but the bed is so warm and cozy and I love my blankets they're so cute, they have strawberries!
  • okay fine, I'll get up now.
Too bad there can't be fancy squiggly charts on Blogger, because that would really represent my thoughts more accurately... plus I had a radio soundtrack playing at the same time. (Mostly Imagine Dragons.) Is this what you do in the mornings too?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

epiphany of the year

This week, I came to an important realisation. I used to be that girl who dressed nicely on every occasion. I was never seen outside the house in sweatpants or without makeup. I did my hair (okay. I tried. I should get an A for effort).

However, I just realised... after this year, I'm never going to see these people again. There is absolutely no one I need to impress here (except for myself, and let's face it, I already know I'm amazing). Therefore, I no longer need to expend any effort on looking good.

Bring on the sweatpants, baby!

(Or, in this case, the shapeless cargo pants that are as wrinkly as elephant skin and the tent-like polo shirt... although actually, that's what I've had to wear all along. It's just that it no longer has the power to bother me.)  The one thing is, seeing as the girl's uniform is the same as the boy's, I'm worried that without makeup I might be mistaken for one... Time to break out the huge and sparkly earrings!

On a slightly related note, I am pleased to announce that I can now eat watermelon-flavoured gum once again! For a while, I was using watermelon-scented deodorant, and whenever I had any it gave me the impression that I was licking my armpit... not so pleasant.

Oh, and don't worry- I am still wearing deodorant. I'm not quite that far gone. (Yet.)

And, on an actually related note (...okay, sort of, connected-ness is not my strong suit) remember me mentioning the construction on the school? Well, that's been going on for a while now, and I am in fear for my life. (So really, I should be trying to look good while I can... nahhh...) My hair is permanently filled with fallen ceiling dust (thus adding to that sexy hobo style) and everything hung on the walls trembles and rattles, making writing on the whiteboard a challenge. (On the plus side, if you get the wrong answer, you can simply say that your writing is messy because of the shaking and that you were actually right. I'll let you know if this works.) Plus (and this is the worst) they constantly blare bad pop music. (There is only so much BABY YOU'RE A FIREWORK this girl can take. My quota was basically reached the first time I heard it.)

In conclusion: I have to save up all my cute-dressing-skills for university, when I actually will meet new people... til then, I'm going to revel in my laziness.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

-insert creative title here-

I went to a yoga class last night...


I did not realise just how stiff I was.

However, at least I was not the person in the corner who fell asleep and kept snoring really loudly.

(It was pretty funny. I kept trying not to giggle and slightly failing, so it was like I was breathing really heavily and seemed even more out of shape than I actually am.)

That was comforting.

(I'm writing with lots of line breaks to make it look like my post is longer- is it working?)

Actually, it's kinda bugging me so I'm going to stop now. (Bugging. Isn't that an odd word? I'm picturing myself slowly mutating into a large insect... hopefully I'd be a pretty one, like an extremely large butterfly with crimson wings and iridescent eyes.) Seriously though, I have gained serious respect for all of you people out there who do yoga often... I do exercise nearly every day (although as I've mentioned before, it's largely counteracted by everything I eat, such as my -cough-row-cough- of Girl Guide cookies) but I am obviously not very flexible. (So I can't bend my knee to my chest. SORRY.)

Plus, I think that my outfit contributed to this failure. I didn't realise until after I'd left the house that my pants had a ginormous chocolate milk splatter (like, basically from my hip to my knee) so I had to walk around all day looking like a hobo. (SEXY.) Plus, I had attempted to braid my hair but little pieces kept falling out so it was like I had stuck my finger in a socket. (Even sexier. Mhmm.)

Also... maybe the reason I like dinosaurs so much (my shirt today featured one. It might have been the most adorable thing ever) is because we share a similar skill at flirting.

This is my life, dearest listeners.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

sunday confessions

1) I think Ì'm addicted to blogging. Like seriously. Whenever I don't do it for a few days, I start feeling withdrawal. (I figure this is a healthy enough obsession, so I'm not too worried... but still. I will monitor the progress of the infection closely.)

2) Let's face it, this bathroom stall basically makes me want to go to this university.

3) "Zia is so cool!" said no one ever. Do you ever wish you could just change your personality? Even if it was just for a day? If I could, I'd be so much more confident, so much more calm, think so much less, just be so... different. I like me, but sometimes I just can't stand being in my head.

4) I've been tired for over three weeks now... I'm beginning to become accustomed to the dizzy spells and confusion. (...This is not healthy.)

5) Isn't this the coolest restaurant glass ever?

Plus, the walls were all steampunky. (Another reason I love cities, oh my, décor other than brick walls...)

6)Why are there so many universities I have to love? Right now there are three that I desperately want to attend... and I still have one more to visit. There should be a cloning machine... so that I can go to all of them... but somehow I don't think the world needs any more Zia.

7) I pretend to be so confident about it all, but really I'm so scared... I'm not worried about leaving home, but I'm worried about who I'll be when I get there. I'm so used to being 'the girl who writes' but once I'm in English, I won't be the only one anymore. I won't be the best like I'm so accustomed to. What if I'm just not good enough?

8) This is my current favourite song (so, for a day or two...)


So yay for angsty, late-night word vomit, right? How are all of you doing?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

my first tea review/vlog

Here begins my journey into the world of vlogging and tea reviews! (Okay, you probably got that from the title... still.) A big thank you to Jesse for giving me the idea!


1) I wanted to cut it but had no video editing software... I apologise for the length and the random moments of confusion.
2) It wouldn't me change the thumbnail. What is up with the picture it chose? I look like a constipated cow or something...
3) There's this huge delay between my voice and my actions... I'm not actually that spastic.
4) Ok, I had more but now I can't remember what they were so never mind.

What did you think of it? Any suggestions or comments?

ALSO: I now reply to comments via email (... usually about three weeks later...) unless you're a non-reply blogger, in which case I will reply on my blog. (Just a little head's up.)

Monday, November 5, 2012

"baby, baby, where'd you put the bagpipes?!"

Did that get your attention? (How could it not?) It certainly captured mine in the middle of the night as it was yelled outside my hotel room. For whatever reason (ok, the reason being that we are frugal, or cheap) we tend to stay in hotels that are just this side of sketchy... not quite in the bad area of town, but definitely in the weird one. (However, I am grateful for this, since it means I have money for tea and university!) Gotta love big cities, right?

The next morning, on we went to the university open house!

Just a little advertising in the Science building. (If you're here from that, let me just say that I am amazed, and welcome! ...confession though, I am most definitely not into science.)

Of course there was a Tim Hortons! (I also managed to get in a visit to Starbucks- is anyone else in love with the Eggnog Latte?- and TWO to David's Tea, my dream place. Expect tea reviews soon!) 

After many tours, we went to the... James Bond exhibit! (I found out that he wore aviator sunglasses in the movies too, just further proof that mine are the coolest things ever.) 

My attempt at 'femme fatale'... might have been a little more successful had I not been wearing a plaid shirt. The exhibit was super cool though, I would definitely recommend it! OMG blinged-out dresses... every single one was dripping in glitter... my sort of clothes for sure.

Of course, they might not quite match my current object of desire...

I want one of these hats so badly, omg. Christmas is coming up, guys! -wink wink nudge nudge- (Because really, who doesn't want to look like their head is being eaten?) 

Who doesn't love random rickshaws? (Alliteration is fun!) Seriously though, this was just sitting in the middle of the street... I have no idea what it was doing there... and it was gone when we walked there in the morning. Maybe the people looking for bagpipes decided to steal it instead?

Sometimes street signs express things that you could never have put into words yourself, but that are oddly appropriate. 

The next day (which I somehow have no photos of, silly me) we toured another university (which was equally wonderful. Why are there so many that I have to love?) and bought... mittens? l,sjdkhgaiwehg it was COLD. Like, my fingers were nearly falling off. 

You can see the faint purple tinge here. (I actually love this photo so much... I may not have been able to find glasses to try on, but at least I had a mask!) 

...and nearly expired from hunger (okay, maybe that was just me. I think I have a problem...)

This is actually my mother's food... by the time she mentioned taking a photo, I had already inhaled more than half of mine. (Shh. It had been a long walk.) (Also, before you think she's a genius, let me just mention that she also talked about the 'warm womblike washroom' at the restaurant for quite a while... yeah...) 

After eating, we waddled (what can I say, the food was REALLY GOOD) over to the museum to go see... DINOSAURS! 

This is an actual dinosaur skull. Doesn't it look like a vaccum cleaner?

I thought my hoodie was quite appropriate! (For once. In what other situation is wearing a giant eel approriate anyway?) 

The one thing that would have made the exhibit better would have been if they had dinosaurs to sit on... I mean really, taking a ride on one of them would have made my day! (If you can have ride-on dinosaurs in playgrounds, why not in museums? I'm positive I wouldn't have been the only one pleased by this... so the remainder might have been under ten, but still.)

I love this city. For a small-town girl like myself, walking down the main street in the middle of the night (ok. So it was like nine. Whatever) filled me with such an energy and a feeling... I can't describe it. Do you city-dwellers know what I mean? (I figure that, for this, I could deal with the noise... let's see if I still feel that way when I have no money left for tea.)

Friday, November 2, 2012

things I realise while packing

So it's Friday (YAY!) and I left school early to pack for another university visit (DOUBLE YES!). Of course, this means a blog post (procrastinating can be fun!) because I have to share all this excitement with y'all! (No, I never say that. I just like writing it and pretending that I do.) 
  • I have way too many clothes, and I only wear about ten percent.
  • Random dance parties= the best thing everrr.
  • OMG I don't work again until Tuesday! that's worth a dance party right there by itself, no music necessary!
  • ... I'm kind of a loser.
  • And (as I trip over my piles of clothes) I will never be a professional dancer (surprise, I know!). 
  • I should probably eat less chocolate, because that little dance session made me feel out of breath... time for a blogilates break! 
  • Ok I'm back. Kinda sweaty and cat-furry (read the next point) but not yet dead.
  • I love my cats, but sometimes they are a pain. (Aka, Amber is currently rubbing himself all over me and trying to step on my keyboard. Not exactly helpful.)
  • Why can't he just help me choose shirts? I'm currently putting in ten for two days... logic= not my forte.
  • Or eat my chem book so that I don't have to take it with me? (I mean really, you'd think my teacher would realise that picking a future is more important than doing a lab report right now... ok, not really, but I like the thought.)
  • Plus I can't find a pencil or an eraser. Hopefully I don't make any mistakes...
This was my dance party song... trust me, it's contagious.

High Five for Friday, dearest listeners! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

xtremely difficult conundrum

In the comments of a lot of the exercise videos that I watch, people say things like "OMG these videos have changed my life! I have abs now! YAY!" and this makes me feel a little sad... because then I think, "Why is this miraculous transformation not happening to me?!" and then I stop and think again... "Do I want abs, or do I want this fudge-covered apple?"

Yeah. I think you can guess which one inevitably wins. 

Plus, eating it was this whole long setup. The process went as follows. One: attempt to look cute for the camera, and take a small bite.

Two: kinda fail at that, and look like a stoned vampire instead.

Three: go back to my normal slob eating habits and get fudge all over my nose.

And yes, this was my dinner tonight. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE PICTURES. I somehow look slightly cute in these (if slightly vampire-ish)... but that is most certainly not the case. I kept taking extremely large bites (and almost drooling on myself... and I wonder why I am single...)

In case you haven't guessed, I love Halloween. Free chocolate, people! What is there NOT to love? Plus, my costume was pretty epic: I was a time-travelling gangster from the 1920s! (Although somehow I am not in any photos. Disadvantage of being the photographer...) I also looked like a female Josh Ramsey (from Marianas Trench)... that was a pretty felicitous realisation. (Just cause he's awesome.) 

So yes. Right now, I kinda sit around and eat chocolate and that is my life. (Except for when I'm too lazy to go get any more. Then I just sit.) 

Also, this song is lovely... a little note of seriousness.

Jenny Matlock