Reasons Chemistry Is My Favourite Science
(Note the capital letters- this is some serious stuff. Note also that I have yet to complete my lab report... so I may not be so excited soon...)
- No dead things. After my trauma in biology last year... I think we can all agree that NOT needing to do dissections is a simple and often overlooked joy.
- Naming components. Learning how to name the different parts of molecules is like learning another language! A nerdy one perhaps, but a language nonetheless.
- Possible explosions. Okay, so it is highly unlikely that we'd actually be allowed to make a bomb (I'm pretty sure there are laws against that) but the potential is always there. Plus, we do use Bunsen burners... so you could always burn some hair off! (What a joy.)
- Food colouring. Seriously. Adding food colouring to something makes everything cooler. It is a Well-Known Fact.
Today, we made solutions with sucrose (aka: sugar + water) and left it to spin (with an automatic spinner! Again, how cool can you get?) during math class. The division between the Cool Chem kids and the Lame Non-ones was immediately clear; us CC's were super excited/distracted/kept leaping up to add more sugar and see if it would still dissolve (good thing our chem teacher is also our math teacher and could see the excitement, or she might have been a bit frustrated).... and the LNs didn't even look at it. (Come on, guys. It was a break from learning about trigonometry equations. Take what you can get.)
And, just because I know you're all soooo thrilled, here are some photos for you! (Just so that you know I'm not just making this up.)
Just look at those faces!
WHIRLPOOL! Watch out, there might be sugar sharks? (Is that a thing? It totally should be.)
Again, major fascination. (Plus our teacher looking on all proud of our nerdiness.)
WHOA, just overwhelmed with excitement! I know, this made your day/weekend... I hope you have a great one!