Wednesday, July 11, 2012

watch out... i might be behind you...

When you're in highschool, there's a lot of emphasis put on deciding what you're going to be when you grow up. (Age-wise, not height-wise... At least I'm guessing, otherwise I'm stuck.) Now, I've debated many options. Writer, editor, food scientist, paleontologist... However, last night, I realised where my future truly lies.

Guys... I'm going to be a ninja.

Just looking at this lovely blurry webcam photo, can't you see all the potential?

I'm wearing a semi-black shirt and black shorts! How much more ninja can you get? (I was wearing an entirely black t-shirt, but even ninjas have to be stylish... and the all-black look wasn't working for me.)

As for the glasses... admit it, they're gorgeous. And totally ninja-esque.

And where does this newfound ambition stem from, you may well ask? The answer is simple. Spiderman. (Whoever said superhero movies were a waste of time didn't know what they were talking about.) I was totally jealous. That scene on the train... (If you've seen it, you'll know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW. It's amazing. Plus you can drool over Andrew Garfield for TWO HOURS.) Despite the fact that I am one of the klutziest people on Earth, I knew right away that I want to be able to do that.

IT'S OFFICIAL, GUYS. I even worked out today! (Ok, so I work out almost every day. Whatever. I HAD A GOAL TODAY and that makes it better.) Next on the agenda- finding ninja classes. Do those exist? Are they completely secret, and you have to prove yourself first? Whatever it takes, I will do it! what was your life plan when you were sixteen? Or if you're not yet there, what is it now?


  1. this is brilliant! and i love your glasses, also, your the second blogger I've seen mention spiderman today - it must be a sign that I'm supposed to watch this movie :D x

    1. haha, thanks! & YES. go watch it ;) it's definitely a sign.

  2. hehe you are crazy! This post is hilarious. Definite ninja potential though of course.

  3. when I was 16 I wanted to be a manager . Now i'm 17 and I want to work in marketing :))))

  4. The glasses give you all the potential in the world!

  5. Um, best career ever? If you find ninja classes are you allowed to blog about them?

    Heh. I didn't have a life plan at 16, but if I was invited to ninja school I'd be there in a heartbeat.

    1. oooh, good point... i may have to keep my mouth shut from now on O.o

      hahaha, that would be great!

  6. Hey there ninja! I think I'll see you in college when we go to ninja school together right? Totally!
    Anyways, check this out, and join join join!

    1. sounds like a plan ;)

      & thanks for the site! it definitely looks interesting!

  7. I love your glasses, so cute! And becoming a ninja sounds like a solid plan! ;)
    Thanks for following my blog!


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