Monday, July 9, 2012

upcoming movies i can't wait to see

...yes, there is a long list. (Of course, by the time they come out at the theatre, I'll probably have completely forgotten their existence, and will only remember a year later when everyone else has already seen them. That's what this list is for!) It's in chronological order, just so it's less confusing (...for me).

1. Spiderman- July 3

I'm going to go see this on Tuesday (cheap night) with the wonderful Kori! I'm sure it'll be great... and that we'll be the loudest ones in the theatres and everyone will tell us to shut up or they'll throw things at us. (That's what we were told when we went to go see the Hunger Games... you know it's bad when the other friends you came with are frustrated.)

2. Step Up 4- July 27

DANCE MOVIE. I'm pretty excited! So it probably won't have any plot... whatever, I can simply be jealous over their amazing skills and that'll be satisfying enough.

3. Celeste And Jesse Forever- August 3

I saw the trailer for this on Skunkboy and thought it looked adorable! (Although it probably isn't even coming out in my small-town theatre... as so often happens.) 

4. The Bourne Legacy- August 10

I'm iffy on this one. I loved the original trilogy... so I'm just hoping that I won't be disappointed in this one! (And that Matt Damon will pop up somewhere.)

5. The Perks of Being a Wallflower- September 14

Teen classic? I'm in! It looks quite darling, I think I'll have to read the book before then. (Well, I do have plenty of time.)

6. Looper- September 28

Action with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. How could it not be good?

7. Skyfall- November 9

50th anniversary of the James Bond movies! (As I mentioned in my last post, blame my father.) Hopefully that means this'll be the best one yet.

8. Anna Karenina- November 9

Another one that probably won't come out in my hole of a town... but totally worth a drive or wait. Keira Knightley! In gorgeous ball gowns! (Ok, so I never finished the book. Maybe this'll prompt me.)

9. The Great Gatsby- December 25

I know I'm not the only one waiting for this one- I've seen it on several blogs recently! Again, this one is filled with gowns, glamour and history (couldn't think of another g word)... what's not to love?

What movies are you waiting for? Do you have similar taste to me?


  1. Soooo excited about Skyfall, I've been waiting for another 007 since the last one. =s I also want to go see movie 1. 2. and 8. {I didn't finish the
    book either..... or even start the book. But it's on my read list. x]}

    1. me too! hopefully it lives up to expectations :)
      & haha, it's on my list... there's just so many sideplots, i kept getting bored :P

  2. I never got into the Bourne movies- but I've become a big Jeremy Renner fan, so I'm really excited to see this new one!!
    I'm going to see Spiderman tomorrow (hopefully) and I'm looking forward to it :)
    I also CAN'T WAIT for Great Gatsby and Anna Karenina. Oh, and Les Miserables (solely because of Anne Hathaway, I admit...).
    Perks of being a wallflower looks sweet too. I hope it comes out here soon- and Moonrise Kingdom, too!

    1. Moonrise Kingdom was so cute! just went to see it over the weekend (out of town, because of course it wouldn't come out here...) & quite liked it.

  3. You sound like a big movie watcher! Haha, my boyfriend is too! I've never really gotten into being that excited over a movie but he looks up all the trailers and waits in anticipation just like you! ;)

    1. i don't even watch that many movies usually- this is quite unusual for me :P i just kept seeing intriguing posters!

  4. my friend has watched the amazing spiderman and told me it didn't amazed him. but i have to see it myself for sure. i heard some people talking about Celeste and Jessie Forever. i guess it's worth to watch.

    oh...i can't wait for the great gatsby and the bourne legacy

    1. ohhh, that's too bad :( i hate paying money and then not enjoying the movie...
      me too! too bad they're so far away :P

  5. Just bookmarked this so I can come back and check off every movie as I watch it. I'm so bad at watching movies on time! I haven't even seen the Hunger Games yet!

    Also, I'm not sure if you're doing it on purpose (If you are, just ignore me) , but I think you should take a look at this.

    1. well, in my personal opinion, you're not missing too much there :P (everyone else liked it though, so maybe i'm just wrong)

      hmm, had not even realised that- thank you!

  6. Oh man. I can't remember the last time I went and saw a movie. At least you have enough awareness to know which ones you plan to see! I haven't even heard of half of them... =)

    1. i've been watching way too many recently xD i should probably cut down!

  7. Replies
    1. ...that's what i was thinking too, but i figured i should cut down on the guy-obsessing for one post xD

  8. i wish channing tatum was still doing step up movies. tear :(

    cuuute blog!!!



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