Monday, July 16, 2012

workout mix

I love music. And I work out (I'm sexy and I know it! hahahaha kill me now, I hate that song)... but love it slightly less. (It's more under the category of "I do this because I want to eat lots of chocolate"... ok, it's the only thing under that category. Whatever.) So, to keep things a little more interesting, I make workout playlists! And, because I love talking about music, I thought I'd share it with all of you... so without further ado, here are the songs I listen to over and over again. (Links to Youtube are provided. Aren't I nice?)

  1. Do It 2 Me, Allstar Weekend (Love this song. I've already mentioned it, but whatever, it's good enough to be mentioned more than once!)
  2. Toy Soldiers, Marianas Trench
  3. Touch Me, Katherine McPhee (Great beat, very energising!)
  4. Stutter, Maroon 5
  5. 50 Ways to Say Goodbye, Train (Hahaha, listen to the lyrics!)
  6. Stella, All Time Low
  7. Anna Sun, Walk The Moon (Yay for Vampire Diaries music discoveries!)
  8. Bangarang, Skrillex (Because I had to include Skrillex somewhere.)
  9. Be There, Allstar Weekend
  10. Shake Tramp, Marianas Trench
  11. In The Next Room, Neon Trees (One of my friends just showed me this song, and I love it! However I am extremely creeped out by the lead singer.)
  12. Lucky Strike, Maroon 5
  13. Drive By, Train
  14. Perfect, Marianas Trench (Also, just saying, they're Canadian!)
  15. Drama Queen, Suzie McNeil (...this is me. Just a little bit.)
  16. James (Never Change), Allstar Weekend
  17. Desperate Measures, Marianas Trench (The video is so bizarre... but comforts me about my dancing skills, or rather, lack thereof.)

You can maybe tell by now which bands I've been listening to a lot recently! Of course, by next week, I will probably hate these songs. That's okay- it just means you all have to post new and exciting music for me! What do you like working out to? 

Also... I don't know how this happened... but I seem to have somehow ended up with fifty listeners! However did that occur? I have no idea, but thank you, thank you, and I hope that you all enjoy my posts!


  1. Oh yay! I'm always looking for new workout songs too :)

  2. Music always helps me get through a work out! I think I'm going to use this as my mantra, "I'm doing this because I want to eat a lot of chocolate". Perhaps that will get me to burn the calories. Great music choices!

    1. haha, i like that! good luck on your workout :D

  3. Haha oh my gosh I hate the "I'm Sexy and I Know it" song too. But it is pretty funny. I have heard of a lot of the bands in your playlist but not any of the actual songs. Maybe I'm just behind the times! I will check out these songs and maybe add them to my own playlists!!

    1. don't worry, it might just be that i listen to weird music xD

  4. Thanks for sharing! And shoot girl, you gotta enjoy working out! Why put yourself through it otherwise? Isn't there something rewarding about overcoming the challenge? Idk, maybe that's just me. I like working out. ;) haha. I'm a cross-country runner, I write about healthy stuff on Mondays.

    1. i like the feeling i get afterwards- all healthy and virtuous ;) & i do like running!

  5. Hi! I have invited you to a photo challenge.

  6. pretty sure workout mixes are my favorite.. i love anything that gets me pumped to go!

    1. me too! it really helps make a workout more productive.

  7. I liked your list of songs, I love I am sexy and I know it :D
    Following you now, can you follow back :)

    1. glad you liked it :) thank you for the follow, and sure!


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