Thursday, May 10, 2012

the ghosts of baby chicks

Dissections. I think we can all agree that the initial reaction is ‘ew!!!’. (Or maybe I’m wrong. Maybe some people get super excited at the thought. If that’s the case, I’ll just back away slowly, smiling and waving.) Why am I mentioning this? Because I’m currently escaping from one. 

Yes, it’s biology class… and the rest of the students are breaking open eggs and cutting open baby chicks. (Let that sink in for a second.) There are no words to describe how repulsed I am right now… I don’t even want to think about it. Dissections + baby chicks + vegetarian Zia= passed-out Zia.

However, biology can still impart useful life skills for those of us who are not destined to become doctors or taxidermists. Here are a couple of things I’ve learnt (just to show you that I don’t usually skip it…):

  • Anatomical artist= drawing on hot naked guys. (Seriously. We watched a video about this.)
  • The ship Charles Darwin traveled on was called the Beagle. (So this isn’t exactly useful, but my teacher told us that this would be the one thing we’d remember from that lesson. It might be self-fulfilling prophecy, but three weeks later, I realized she was right.)
  • Random reproduction is good for species. (That’s what bars are for!)
  • If you give cough medicine to a smoker, they might drown in their own mucus. (Smoking is bad, people!)
  • Bathroom hand driers are COVERED in bacteria. (It's kinda sad... you just washed your hands, and then as soon as you press the drier button they're filthy again. However, please don't use this as a reason not to wash!)
 And… that’s about it. (However, I do like it better than physics… that’s not hard. Wait, maybe not… I think the ghosts of baby chicks are going to haunt me forever, despite the fact that I didn’t actually cut any up.)  What are some lessons you’ve learnt from biology? 


  1. Replies
    1. After the past few days, I completely understand.

  2. Oh boy I am so happy I never had to anything like that in high school. I've just recently became a vegetarian and I don't think I would be able to sit through that class.

  3. poor you! i think I prefer physics as it doesn't involve anything gross :(
    i've heard the hand drier thing and... eww!

  4. Your teacher advocated for random reproduction at the bar? Eew! Another Eew for the poor chicks!

    1. Hahaha, it was pretty funny xD Not the chicks, though...

  5. I don't think I could have done that. We had to dissect frogs back when I was in high school and that didn't seem as bad but baby chics. :(


    1. That's my opinion as well. I think we'll have to do rats later... which is disgusting but at least they don't have the cute factor.

  6. Poor baby chicks, I didn't like biology in high school the teacher was mean and I will never forget the things I saw when I had to watch my fellow classmates dissect a pregnant cat and remove all the unborn kittens(yes, as digusting as it sounds... it happened and I wish I could make it unhappen.). It was also disgusting when I got the option to either dissect a baby pig or a calf. Needless to say I wished I had done the ever how many page essay on dissection.... It was truly a nightmare I was able to overcome. Then my junior year of high school I got anatomy and lets just say dissecting a sheep eye and brain for the love of science amazed and disgusted me at the same time.

    1. That was our teacher's first idea! The thought nearly made me cry. I'm so sorry that you had to see that! Just the eye/brain doesn't sound as bad... at least you'd be able to separate it from the idea of an actual animal, right?

    2. oh yeah, it was actually suppose to represent the human eye/brain since its totally illegal to dissect any human parts...haha...... Biology was my worst subject but Anatomy was not. That doesn't make any sense haha...

    3. Ah, I see. And I must say, Anatomy sounds better than Biology- no dissections, right?


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