Friday, August 10, 2012

dislike is too mild a word

At first glance, this may seem like an innocuous image. Everyone likes listening to music, right? iPods are a good thing!

Well, appearances can be decieving. The subject of this photo is not the iPod itself, but the headphones. Namely, the fact that my ears were sweating so much while I ran today that they fell out several times. (How does the inside of your ears even sweat? Or, a better question: WHY?)

Instead of beautiful music, the final minutes of my run were accompanied by squelching noises (TMI?) as I tried frantically to put the silly things back in.  IT DIDN'T WORK. (Squelching ears: Totally unmotivating. Although I do quite like the word 'squelch'. It should be used more often.)

Does this kind of thing happen when you work out? Any other problems?


  1. haha, I hate these things, they never stay in my ears, I think my ears must be too small or something!!! thanks for your comment on my blog :) you have a new follower x

    1. omg, i have the same problem, it's awful!
      thank you for the follow :3

  2. Replies
    1. haha, hopefully! next time i'll have to open a window :P

  3. not only that they always get tangled!!! grr

  4. Just run without headphones. Ha, I know, that's probably a funny joke to you. But seriously, being a purist isn't so bad. You might grow to like it. ;) I don't run with helps me focus. Your breathing might even get better (not so much squelching?) Lol. Keep running though! *fist bump* *thumbs up*

    1. i like running outside without headphones- listening to the wind, the noise of other people... it's just that i get too bored on the treadmill without something else to do! haha, fist bump right back atcha ;)

  5. Oh, the headphones that come with the iPod are so uncomfortable. In college I listed to my iPod constantly and I would get little irritated bumps in my ear from the headphones (yuck, I know). I have since ordered a pair of Skullcandy earbuds, and I'm never going back!

    1. ughh, that sucks :/ glad you haven't had a problem with the skullcandy ones! i'll have to check them out.

  6. I love your writing voice, so cute.

  7. Ahhh it does happen for me as well, don't like it at all :P xx

    Sneak peek into my life

    1. omg, it's so awful! i just bought new headphones, so hopefully it won't happen as often.


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