Thursday, June 28, 2012

futuristic (aka i love dinosaurs)

(Okay, it took me several tries to type that... Fail.) It's a pretty scary word, isn't it? After all, the world is supposed to end in a few months... DOES THIS MEAN THAT MY DREAMS OF A JET-PACK HELMET WILL NEVER HAPPEN?

...probably. But that aside, ten years ago (and why am I even choosing ten? BECAUSE IT'S THE BEST NUMBER!) did I think I would be who I am now? HECK NO. I thought I would be a paleontologist. OR a vet. (Both dealing with dead animals. Hmm... not morbid at all.) (And yes, when I was six, I did think that I'd have a job like that at 16. Things like university and debt had yet to enter my innocent little mind... I miss those days.)

My point here is (yes, I do have a point, surprise surprise) the future is a tricksy thing. Who knows where we'll be in ten more years? Will the world even exist? Maybe it truly will end. Maybe it'll get colonised by dinosaurs- we'll have switched places! There'll be a giant meteor and the remaining humans will all have to learn to do the velociraptor dance (which can be found here) in order to survive.

(Side note: I really want a dinosaur hat right now... SHOPPING TRIP! Because last time I sewed- my beautiful kitty skirt, here- I nearly bled to death. Not fun. Does anyone have a dinosaur hat they want to send me? I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER. I should've bought this one in Niagara Falls when I had the chance:

Isn't it cute? Next time!)

A dinosaur colonisation would be exciting, but the sad reality is that I'll probably be a crazy cat lady. Sigh. (Again, aforementioned kitty skirt... I'm prepared. At least I'll be a cute crazy cat lady.) OMG maybe cats will take over the world! Even better- they'll love me, and I won't have to worry about being eaten because I'm vegetarian... mosquitoes avoid me, and thus they would too. (Logical correlation? OF COURSE!)

...wait a second. Maybe techno music is what all music in the future will be. MAYBE IT'S CALLS FROM A FUTURE CIVILISATION! That's why so many people dislike it- their brains have yet to decipher the complexities.



Oh, and just because I love linkups (and so that more people can see the dinosaur light):

Jenny Matlock


  1. LOL this post made my day. You have such amazing energy in everything you write. Love that hat! :P

    1. thank you so much <3 i know! next time i see one, i'm definitely buying it.

  2. I'm still hoping for the transporter from the original Star Trek series. And the replicator, used for preparing meals as I recall, wouldn't be a bad deal either!

  3. The Mayans didn't have leap years, so technically the world was *supposed* to end 11 months ago :)

    1. really? that's so sad! my birthday wouldn't even exist :O

  4. Fun post ... i tend to think it's going to be the traditional zombie apocolypse ... but dino's would be much more fun!

    1. thanks :) zombies actually frighten me... so i hope i never see any!

  5. i bought a bunch of dinosaur hats just exactly like that last year for my best friend's kidlets! i found them at a store called the dollar tree :)

    1. thanks! if i see one, i'll definitely check it out :D

  6. Um, dinosaurs are awesome. No dino hat, but I do love the awesome dino jewelry at!

  7. Are you really that young? Heck ten years is almost 2/3 of your lifespan. It's less than 1/4 of mine, and decades go quickly these days. God I feel old.

  8. I wish I had a dinosaur hat to send you! You would totally rock that look!

    Thanks for a fun and fanciful link to the letter "F"!



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